what to expect

Journey with us this Easter Season as we travel the “Hope Road.” Come and learn about the final week of Jesus’ life and the wonderful hope he offers to those who choose to believe and receive!

Palm Sunday- "The Royal Procession"

Fountain Campus-

Saturday 6p / Sunday 9 & 10:45a

Fillmore Campus-

Sunday 10:45a

Palm Sunday was the ultimate of royal processions. It was like the “campaign trail of Jesus”, so to speak, the events that led up to this glorious day where thousands of people were ecstatic about Jesus coming into their town. The final week of Jesus’ life begins with this powerful entry into Jerusalem with a public celebration of God’s anointed king.



Good Friday

Fountain Campus- 

Friday, April 15 @ 6:30p 

Good Friday… a day symbolized by the death & sacrifice of Jesus. On this day there was no cheering or excitement. There was mourning and pain. But the good news for us is that we know the rest of the story. We know that Sunday is coming! 

Join us for worship, a message from Guest Pastor Floyd Preston & communion. 


Easter Weeknd- Crossing the Finish Line

Fountain Campus-

Saturday 6p / Sunday 9 & 10:45a

Fillmore Campus-

Sunday 10:45a

During his days on earth, Jesus had a finish line. It was the cross!Not only did Jesus die on a cross but he overcame the cross by the power of the resurrection. The resurrection of Christ infuses a special type of hope. There is a hope that mistakes and sins can be forgiven. There is hope that we can have joy, peace, and security in the midst of the despair of this age. Our hope is not in our own ability, or in our goodness, or in our physical strength, but our hope is in the powerful resurrection of Christ. What is your hope hanging on?

Easter Baptisms

Easter Baptisms @ Restoration are a tradition like no other! This is an opportunity for you to make your faith in Jesus public in front of your church family and be water baptized! If you’d like to be baptized this Easter you have to get registered today!

You can do that HERE


Holy Week Devotional (Good Friday)

Welcome to our "Holy Week" or "Passion Week" Devotional Series. Today is Good Thursday. Today, Pastor Chris talks about what happened on the Friday of Holy Week. We invite you to join us tonight @ 6:30p in the Main Sanctuary of our Fountain Campus for a special Good...

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